Contract Management

Contracts play a vital role in business operations. With Gainfront’s Generative Al , you have new abilities to make sure your contracts efficiently work for you – giving you the clarity and certainty you need to increase your business success

Streamline Every Part of Your Contract Lifecycle Management Process

Streamline Each Part of Your Contract Process

Gainfront Contracts is a highly configurable and complete contract lifecycle management solution. Our innovative technology and modern user experience

  • reduces onboarding time by 60%,
  • helps you seamlessly integrate the full approval process between suppliers and buyers, and
  • increases efficiency by simplifying the entire contracts process.

Accelerated Onboarding Through ML-powered Contract Upload and Analysis

Gain immediate value through rapid ingestion and automated analysis of existing contracts. Your team has the power to prioritize and process your adoption strategy and leverage streamlined contract management for all existing contracts. There is no need to wait for a lengthy conversion project to be completed. All existing contracts can be uploaded and managed by your team immediately.

Accelerated Onboarding Through ML-powered Contract Upload and Analysis
Build Robust Clause Libraries

Build Robust Clause Libraries

Streamline the contract drafting process by building robust clause libraries and templates automatically based on your existing contracts. Standardize contract templates and clauses, expedite review and reduce risk of unfavorable terms.

Track Contract Updates, Ratings, and Total Spend via Parent/Child Relationships

Take advantage of contract templates and relationships to simplify clause updates impacting related child contracts. Gain confidence that the proper pre-approved terms and language are used consistently greatly accelerates approval times.

Track Contract Updates, Ratings, and Total Spend through Parent/Child Relationships
Examine Contract Status and Spend by ESG & Diversity Categories

Benefit from Contract Status, Diversity Spend, and ESG Compliance Dashboards

Achieve instant insights into suppliers’ certification status, risk exposure, and projected diverse spend. Obtain the ability to keep track of project-level spend, rebate savings, and related matters.

Manage and analyze your contracts with Gainfront Contract on Microsoft App

Experience seamless contract management with the Gainfront Contract Add-in for Microsoft Word! Effortlessly extract crucial details and review comprehensive information by logging into your Gainfront account. Click on tags to navigate and easily tag text for efficient searching and analysis within the Gainfront Contract Management Solution.

Proactive Processes Drive Savings Throughout the Contract Lifecycle

Free up valuable legal resources to focus on negotiating ideal terms, and accelerate agreement to speed delivery.

Seamlessly integrate multi-level approval processes across suppliers and customers.

Identify contract conditions and rebate terms to:

  • take advantage of ideal pricing discounts
  • confirm obligations are completed
  • confirm potential penalties are avoided

Get helpful notifications to optimize renewals or terminate the agreement in a timely manner. Take advantage of Gainfront Discovery to find alternative suppliers who can provide superior pricing, inventory, fulfillment, or help meet target diversity and ESG goals.

Seamlessly integrate multi-level approval process across suppliers and customers
Identify and track contract triggers and rebate terms
Get helpful notifications to optimize renewals

Seamless Microsoft Word integration

Most contracts are created and redlined in Microsoft Word. Gainfront Contracts natively integrates Microsoft Word as an approved partner on Microsoft AppSource. This partnership with Microsoft combines the convenience of Microsoft Word with the powerful capabilities of Gainfront Contracts.

Metadata Extraction

Automate metadata extraction using Gainfront Contracts advanced AI/ML capabilities. Extract clauses using natural language processing (NLP) and make them immediately available for analysis of clause deviations, helping reduce risk and increasing compliance.

Integrated Contract Matter Management

Use Gainfront Contracts to manage legal matter and case content. Collaborate and stay organized with all vendor and contract related documentation in a secure, centralized location that simplifies hand-offs and collaboration with outside counsel.

65% Onboarding Improvement
92% Enhanced Projected Diverse Spend
95% ESG Compliance
65% Improved User Adoption